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Our clients

Over 10 years in the market, you can ask our most respected clients about us:
Compania de Maria – Colegio La Ensenanza
Escuela de Ingenierias de Antioquia - EIA
SOFASA Renault
Cementos Argos
Concretos Argos
Potenza coaching
Organizacion Aprender Felices
Fondo Nacional del Ahorro
Inversiones Fajitex S.A.S.
Inversiones Mora Restrepo
Cafe de la Cima
Supreme Origin
Institucion Universitaria ESUMER
Comercializadora Nacional de Llantas
Corporacion Lonja De Propiedad Raiz De Medellín y Antioquia
Our mission consists in assisting companies to trade their products and services abroad (exports) and in Colombian market (imports). We study our clients products and review trade agreements and study legislation and regulations to learn about each company scope and boundaries, which allows us to continue supporting and developing strategic marketing plans according to each client needs, always striving for quality services and adding value to our clients.
Our strategy is based on our knowledge of the operations of each component of international logistics chain, starting from products dispatches by suppliers to arrival of products to the buyer (including taxes and legal fees). We strive for lowering and optimizing logistics costs based on our history of negotiations with different logistics operators, which are willing to give you their best tarifs, which we willingly transfer to our own clients to promote their products trading, allowing them to reach consumers with minimum costs increases as a percentage of final selling prices to their own clients.